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Ragnarøk Clothing

The name ‘Ragnarøk’ is borrowed from Norse mythology, which symbolises the inevitable need for change and transformation so that a new world can be created. This is also our vision for the fashion industry. We believe a new standard for fashion needs to be established, so we are dedicated to facilitating this transformation. The problems are too big for any organisation to solve them by themselves, which is why everyone will have to play their part. We are playing ours by creating an alternative blueprint for producing and selling clothes which first offsets negative impacts. Ultimately, we want to lead the way to an industry that has a positive impact. This blueprint is based on our three guiding principles for the new fashion standard, which are Honesty, Co-creation, and Regeneration.
Learn more about our approach by checking out our website, where you are also able to buy our self-made streetwear shirts completely made from a high-quality material called lyocell. We are happy to be a part of the Clean and Unique community, because we need each other to establish the new standard. So make sure to check out our socials and website, and we are excited about building a better industry with you!

Ragnarøk Clothing
Member since


Founder & CEO

Yann Wunsch & Daniel Cohen Stuart